Sunday, January 3, 2010

Today's realization... meal prep = kitchen clean-up!

Sunday night dinner means comfort food to me and with the weather we've been having here (-30 to -40 with the windchill), comfort food is just what the doctor ordered... along with warm woolies and indoor days.

Tonight I braved homemade meatballs, mashed potatoes and veggies. It was de-lish... and I have tons of leftovers to get me through the week (bonus!). Even better, the meatballs are gluten, dairy and egg-free... something else I need to recommit myself to in 2010.

Yummy, Homy Meatballs

The beauty of these is the oatmeal replaces traditional bread crumbs.

A little meticulous but so worth it.

Dredged in gluten-free flour...


Ready for the oven with a homemade tangy sauce.

Tell me you don't want this too...

I'd trade leftovers for someone to do the dishes... pretty please?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Year. New Goals.

Not a New Year's resolution but rather... a goal... yes, that's right... a goal. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it!). Anyhow, enough with the semantics. It may be one small step for mankind but it's a giant leap for Trina to try to jazz things up in the kitchen this year. And by jazz things up I mean become more adventurous when it comes to meal prep... and maybe just actually do meal prep. I used to really comb the cookbooks (I mean, I have enough!) and create a schedule and a grocery shopping list. These days, I'm thrilled if I just get to a grocery story and I won't even bore you with what 'meals' look like these days (my mom is sooo not impressed). So, in the spirit of this new adventure I'm jazzing things up in the kitchen. I sat down, combed the cookbooks and created some new recipes to start. It started off with a Shrimp Risotto with Zucchini and Roasted Tomatoes. Read on...

Shrimp Risotto with Zucchini and Roasted Tomatoes

It started with roasted tomatoes.

And continued with sautéed zucchini and onions.

Don't forget the rice.

Shrimp and roasted 'matoes get warmed up.

Served over risotto. YUM!!

It was very good. A little work intensive but a great start to the New Year!

Friday, January 1, 2010

A year in the life.

2009 has been a year. That's the only way to say it. Imagine all the things that cause stress, break people down, build people back up... I've been there with almost all of them. I'm not one to back down, lose hope or admit defeat but in 2009, I've had my moments.

Sitting at home for New Year's Eve, I resolved that on January 1, 2010 - enough was enough. This is my year to... try new things, get out there, get back on track. Who know where this year will lead to but the adventure's half the fun.

With this blog I am hoping to commit myself to making the most of 2010. It may be as mundane as my new goal to try to cook more adventurous meals or as exciting as doing more personal travel or even register myself in that 10K marathon I've been thinking about for years. I also hope I'll commit myself to doing more baking for my part-time business, Tortes by Trina... get more involved in my other new creative outlet photography, and perhaps even meet some new people along the way (I know... scary, scary!).

It'll be a journey, I'm sure... I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I do!